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2024 NPA Grand National Show
2024 NPA Grand National Show

2024 NPA Grand National Show

2024 NPA Grand National Show

2024 NPA Grand National Show

2024 NPA Grand National Show

2024 NPA Grand National Show

2024 NPA Grand National Show

2024 NPA Grand National Show

2024 NPA Grand National Show

2023 National Young Bird Show
2023 National Young Bird Show

2023 National Young Bird Show

2023 National Young Bird Show

2023 National Young Bird Show

2023 National Young Bird Show

Members at Fremont Annual Show:
Front: Left to right: Tim Matlack, Stan Staveckis, Bill Casey
Back Row (left to right) Clem Camp, Mike Pope, Larry Gardner, Al Graham, and sorry, unidentified

Front row left to right Tim Matlack-Larry Gardner-Brian Neuner-Steve Bronson
Second row Diane Matlack-Mike Pope-Al Graham-Bill Casey-Al Burk-Stan & Pat Staveckis

Just a collage of pics of Larry Gardner doing the judging and some random pigmys
- APPC Annual Show - Jan.7th, 2017

Another Collage of random pigmy photos
- APPC Annual Show - Jan.7th, 2017

Larry Gardner judges a class of Old Yellow Cocks - APPC Annual Show - Jan.7th, 2017


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